
Diaper Need:  “Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or child clean, dry, and healthy” – National Diaper Bank.

Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT): Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) is an electronic system that allows a Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) participant to pay for food using SNAP benefits. When a participant shops at a SNAP authorized retail store, their SNAP EBT account is debited to reimburse the store for food that was purchased.” – U.S. Department of Agriculture

Food Bank:  “A food bank is a warehouse for millions of pounds of food and other products that go out to the community.” – Feeding America

Food Pantry:  “A food pantry functions as the arms that reach out to that community directly.  Some use mobile food pantries, which reach people in areas of high need.”  – Feeding America

Hygiene:  Hygiene is  “a science of the establishment and maintenance of health. Conditions or practices (as of cleanliness) conducive to health.” – Merriam Webster

Hygiene Poverty/Hygiene Insecurity:  “Hygiene poverty  is not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products.” – The Hygiene Bank 

Menarche: “Menarche is defined as the first menstrual period in a female adolescent. Menarche typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 16, with the average onset being 12.4 years” – Lacroix et al., 2022.

Menstrual Health/Menstrual Hygiene: “Menstrual health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, in relation to the menstrual cycle.” – Hennegan et al., 2021

Menstrual Supplies: “Menstrual hygiene materials are those used to catch menstrual flow, such as cloths, reusable and disposable pads, menstrual cups and tampons. Menstrual supplies are other supportive items for menstrual hygiene and health more broadly, such as soap, underwear and pain relief” – UNICEF, 2019.

Menstruation/Menses: “Menstruation is normal discharge of blood and tissue from the uterine lining through the vagina that occurs as part of a monthly menstrual cycle” – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Menstruator: A person who menstruates/has a period. 

Pink Tax:  Pink Tax is defined in as “…products marketed to women cost more than the same ones for men.  The gender-based price discrepancy is known as the pink tax.”  –

Swipe Out Hunger: Swipe Out Hunger partners with college campuses nationwide to end student hunger.” –  Swipe Out Hunger

TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program): The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. USDA provides 100% American-grown USDA Foods and administrative funds to states to operate TEFAP.” – U.S. Department of Agriculture 

Toxic Shock Syndrome (T.S.S.): Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a serious illness that affects multiple systems of the body and is caused by toxins released by certain bacteria… TSS is rare. Recognized groups at risk of S. aureus TSS include menstruating women using tampons, menstrual cups, or other inserted devices, women using diaphragms or contraceptive sponges, and anyone with a S. aureus infection of another body site.” – Virginia Department of Health

WIC: WIC is The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.”  The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.” – Colorado WIC  

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