HB24-1164: Education Without Menstrual Interruption


HB24-1164 "Free Menstrual Products to Students" was signed into law by Governor Polis on June 5! We cannot thank advocates across Colorado enough for your support in getting this necessary bill across the finish line. Many thanks to our bill sponsors Representative Brianna Titone, Representative Jenny Wilford, Senator Janet Buckner, and Senator Faith Winter!

Even with this monumental accomplishment, there's still more work to do! Use the resources on this page to learn more and find out how you can help move us towards our next milestone.

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What do Students Say?

- 90% think schools should normalize menstruation

- 85% agree public schools should provide free period products

- 82% agree if there is free toilet paper in bathrooms, there should be free menstrual products

- 84% think menstrual products are just as important as toilet paper or soap in public bathrooms.

- 77% say lack of access to period products is a critical issue people face.

- 70% say the school environment makes them especially self-conscious of their periods

- 59% say they rarely or never find free period products in school bathrooms.

- 58% have asked a friend or classmate for a period product because they didn’t have one and 18% have asked a stranger.

Source: State of the Period by PERIOD.org 2021 and 2023

Legislation Objectives

A hand ith nail polish presenting a tampon

Ensure Colorado middle and high school students have access to free period products in the restroom.

Build on the Menstrual Hygiene Products Accessibility Grant Program to support more Colorado school districts in providing period products.

A hand with nail polish refilling a vending machine with menstrual pads

Join Our Coalition

You can be a vital link in the chain that gets period products to students who need them.