Period Action Day - October 5, 2023

Colorado initiative anticipates providing 250,000 period products to Coloradoans in need ahead of October 14

Denver (October 5, 2023) – In a state where nearly 50% of people who get periods struggle with period poverty, Colorado initiative Justice Necessary is anticipating providing 250,000 period products to the region ahead of Period Action Day on October 14. In support of Period Action Day’s one million period product drive, Justice Necessary, working with community organizations, school pantries, higher education pantries and food pantries throughout Colorado, will purchase and donate products to Coloradoans in need. Justice Necessary’s pledge is a quarter of Period Action Day’s global goal.

“Period poverty is a very real epidemic right now,” said Justice Necessary Founder Diane Cushman Neal. “Many people don’t know this, but SNAP and WIC recipients can’t use their benefits towards any type of hygiene or period products nor do the majority of food pantries carry these types of products. In 2023, it’s simply unacceptable that people wake up afraid they won’t have basic period supplies.”

Last year, Justice Necessary commissioned the first of its kind study, Colorado Study on Women’s Period Poverty, Diaper Need and Hygiene Poverty, which found alarming data points including that 47% of Coloradoans menstruating had experienced period poverty, 41% had worn period products longer than recommended to stretch the use, and more than half (55%) of Black menstruating people struggle with period poverty.

Justice Necessary and Aunt Flow have joined with national nonprofit PERIOD’s to collectively donate one million period products to help them meet PERIOD’s goal of donating one million period products to communities in need. Period Action Day was founded in 2019 by PERIOD. and serves as a global day of advocacy to take action against period poverty and stigma.

“We know that there are medical, physical, mental, emotional and social impacts from hygiene poverty. Security, safety and dignity around periods are fundamental basic needs,” said Cushman Neal. “We’re honored to partner with PERIOD. as its Colorado partner as we both are striving to end period poverty.”

Since its inception, Justice Necessary (formerly Donations for Dignity) has provided 500 Aunt Flow dispensers installed at middle and high schools throughout Colorado. Justice Necessary has provided over 300,000 period products throughout Colorado schools in 2023.

Most recently, Justice Necessary was successful in securing an official proclamation from the State of Colorado and Governor Polis for Diaper Need Awareness Week in September 2023.