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Diaper Need

According to our 2022 survey, 57% of surveyed females stated they struggle with diaper need.

Diaper need is the lack of a sufficient supply of diapers to keep an infant or child clean, dry, and healthy. (National Diaper Bank). Families that experience diaper need, see an increased risk for health problems with their children. Addressing this need not only improves the health and well-being of infants and children, but improves family stability by allowing parents to participate in work or education without worrying about their child’s basic needs not being met.

Diapers are a necessity for infants. Inadequate access to clean diapers has a direct impact on the health and wellness of a child and their caretakers. Babies skin is significantly thinner than that of an adult’s skin and more so around a baby’s genitals. A baby may urinate as often as every 1–3 hours and in some as infrequent as 4–6 times a day, while bowel movements vary widely among babies. It is recommended to change a baby whenever it is soiled or wet.  Families that face diaper need often are faced with the difficult decision of stretching the use of their diapers to increase the life of their supply. Outcomes of not being able to change a diaper when it is needed include discomfort and potential infections for the baby and increased stress and poor mental health outcomes for the parent(s).5

Colorado has 6 Diaper Banks: Wee Cycle, A Precious Child, Rocky Mountain Diaper Depot, Bottom Line Diaper Bank of Catholic Charities, United Way of Weld County and The Nappie Project.

Common Terms Related to Diaper Need

What is a Diaper Bank? 

A diaper bank is an agency that collects and distributes diapers and wipes to families in need.

A National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) is a collective of all the diverse grassroots local organizations across the county that are actively working in their communities to seek diaper donations and help families and partner agencies.

Learn more about what a diaper bank does by visiting The National Diaper Bank Network.

5Smith, M. V., Kruse, A., Weir, A., & Goldblum, J. (2013). Diaper need and its impact on child health. Pediatrics, 132(2), 253–259. https://doi.org/10.1542/peds.2013-0597

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